Unexplained loss of muscle mass - Renew Wellness

Unexplained loss of muscle mass, known as idiopathic sarcopenia, is a concerning condition where muscle seems to waste away or atrophy for no clear reason. This can happen even with adequate nutrition and exercise. Some potential causes that doctors investigate include:

Symptoms tend to develop slowly over months or years and may include: To diagnose idiopathic sarcopenia, doctors first rule out other explanations through: If no cause is found, a diagnosis of exclusion of idiopathic sarcopenia may be made. Treatment focuses on trying to rebuild muscle with: While some people stabilize or improve with such interventions, unexplained muscle loss can unfortunately continue to worsen in some people despite treatment. Close follow-up with one's doctor is important, as is reporting any new or worsening symptoms. Researchers continue working to better understand the mechanisms behind idiopathic sarcopenia to hopefully develop better treatments one day.

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