Thyroid disorder - Renew Wellness

What is thyroid disorder?

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck below the Adam's apple. The thyroid's job is to produce thyroid hormones that help regulate growth and metabolism.

Thyroid disorders occur when the thyroid produces too much or too little of these essential hormones. Some common thyroid disorders include:

What causes thyroid problems? There are several potential triggers:

Diagnosing thyroid disorders involves blood tests that check levels of thyroid hormones as well as thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and antibodies. Imaging tests like ultrasound or thyroid scan may also be used.

Most thyroid problems can be managed with medications like levothyroxine, anti-thyroid drugs, or radioiodine therapy. For thyroid cancer, treatment may involve surgery, radiation therapy, hormone treatment, chemotherapy, or targeted therapy.

With proper treatment, most people with thyroid disorders are able to manage their symptoms and live healthy lives. Getting on the right medication is key, along with ongoing lab monitoring by a doctor. Lifestyle changes like managing stress, eating nutritious foods, and exercising can also help minimize symptoms.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Thyroid problems are common but very treatable. Working closely with an endocrinologist or thyroid specialist at Renew Wellness is recommended to find the ideal treatment plan for your needs.

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