Perimenopause - Renew Wellness

What is perimenopause?

Perimenopause refers to the time leading up to menopause, when a woman's body makes the natural transition toward permanent infertility. The perimenopause phase can begin up to 10 years before menopause starts, but symptoms often begin 2-8 years beforehand.

Key aspects of perimenopause:

During the perimenopausal transition, the ovaries gradually make less estrogen and progesterone — the main hormones that regulate menstruation and fertility. This fluctuation in hormones causes changes throughout the body.

Many women start to notice irregular menstrual cycles and missing periods during perimenopause. It's common to have longer or shorter cycles, get periods more or less often, or have heavier or lighter bleeding. Periods may eventually stop for good marks the official start of menopause.

Common symptoms include:

Keep in mind that each woman's experience with perimenopause is unique. Some sail through it with no issues, while others struggle with difficult symptoms. Lifestyle choices can also impact how one feels.

If you think you might be perimenopausal, schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. They can check hormone levels via a blood test to help confirm. Be ready to discuss your symptoms and medical history in detail.

There are both medications and natural remedies that can alleviate symptoms caused by shifting hormones. Your doctor can explore options with you, from hormone therapy to alternative approaches like dietary changes and stress management techniques.

The key is being proactive and reaching out for help. With the right information and support, many women are able to manage perimenopause gracefully as they transition into the next phase of life. Visit Renew Wellness for more information and support.

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