Hormone decline - Renew Wellness

What is hormone decline?

Hormone decline refers to the gradual reduction in hormone levels that occurs as people age. Some of the major hormones that decline include:

This decline can start as early as the late 20s or 30s and continues throughout life. By the time most people reach 60, their hormone levels are significantly lower compared to young adults.

Some signs and symptoms linked to age-related hormone decline include:

The exact causes behind age-related hormone reduction are not fully understood but likely involve a combination of factors like:

There are a few options available to treat age-related hormone decline, such as hormone replacement therapy, medications, supplements, and lifestyle modifications. However, hormone therapy should be properly managed to avoid potential risks.

Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits throughout life like eating nutritious whole foods, exercising regularly, minimizing stress, and getting enough sleep can help preserve hormone levels longer. Though some decline is inevitable with aging, implementing healthy long-term habits can slow the rate of decrease substantially.

For more information, consult with a qualified healthcare provider at Renew Wellness.

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